You find it more difficult to cope with stress and everyday problems without becoming down, nervous, or moody...
You feel overwhelmed with dread and fear if you have to go shopping, go out in public or anywhere there might be groups or crowds of people...
You have been feeling excessively sad, low, angry, weepy or hopeless...
Maybe you have difficulty concentrating, paying attention, staying organized, getting distracted, acting impulsively, and completing your to-do list...
You've been drinking more or using other drugs to cope with the symptoms with which you have been suffering...
Finding it more difficult to cope with stress and everyday problems without becoming down, nervous, or moody...
Feeling overwhelmed with dread and fear if you have to go shopping, go out in public or anywhere there might be groups or crowds of people...
Feeling excessively sad, low, angry, weepy or hopeless...
Having difficulty concentrating, paying attention, staying organized, getting distracted, acting impulsively, and completing your to-do list...
Drinking alcohol more or using other drugs to cope with the symptoms with which you have been suffering...
There is no longer any reason for you to continue struggling . Help is just a click away!
Seeking treatment is a significant step, and I'm here to guide you through the process. If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. With compassion and experience, I am committed to providing personalized care to help you achieve your goals.
Thank you for taking the time to reach out! We will be in touch with you as soon possible.
Virtual Psychiatric Services